Saints of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
16 of December Honorato Blessed Honoratus of Biala Podlaska Kazminsky Poland 1916 Poland
12 of January Bernard Saint Bernard of Corileone 1667 Italy
4 of February José Saint José of Leonessa 1612 Italy
3 of March Inocencio Blessed Innocent of Berzo Scalvinoni 1890 Italy
5 of March Jeremías Blessed Jeremiah of Walachei Kostistik 1625 Italy
24 of March Diego Blessed Diego José of Cádiz 1801 Spain
23 of September Pío Saint Pío of Pietrelcina, Father Pío 1887 Italy 1968 Italy
11 of April Ángel Blessed Angelo di Chivasso Carletti 1495 Italy
11 of April Symforian Blessed Symforian Ducki Poland
21 of April Conrad Saint Conrad of Parzham Birndorfer 1891 Germany
24 of April Fidelis Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen 1622 Switzerland
30 of April Benito Blessed Benedict of Urbino 1625 Italy
11 of May Ignacio Saint Ignacio of Láconi 1701 France 1781 France
18 of May Felix Saint Felix of Cantalicio 1515 Italy 1587 Italy
19 of May Crispin Saint Crispin of Viterbo Italy 1750 Italy
19 of May Juan Blessed John Baptist Louis Loir 1794 France
31 of May Félix Saint Félix of Nicosia 1715 Italy 1787 Italy
8 of June Nicholas Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi Medda 1958 Italy
9 of July Fidel Blessed Fidelis Chojnacki 1906 Poland 1942 Germany
21 of July Lorenzo Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 1559 Italy 1619 Portugal
30 of July Leopoldo Saint Leopoldo of Castelnuovo 1942 Italy
2 of August Francisco Blessed Francisco Tomás Serer 1911 Spain 1936 Spain
6 of August María Blessed Maria Francisca de Jesus Rubatto 1904 Uruguay
16 of August Enrique Blessed Enrique García Beltrán 1936 Spain
22 of August Bernardo Blessed Bernardo Peroni 1694 Italy
23 of August Juan Blessed Jean Bourdon 1794 France
26 of August Ambrosio Blessed Ambrosio Valls Matamales 1870 Spain 1936 Spain
26 of August Pedro Blessed Pedro Mas Ginestar 1877 Spain 1936 Spain
22 of September Aurelio Blessed Aurelio Ample Alcaide 1896 Spain 1936 Spain
30 of August Joaquín Blessed Joaquín Ferrer Adell 1879 Spain 1936 Spain
30 of August Vicente Blessed Vicente Gabanes Badenas 1936 Spain
17 of September Francisco Saint Francisco María of Camporosso 1866 Italy
17 of September Timoteo Blessed Timoteo Valero Pérez 1936 Spain
22 of September Ignacio Saint Ignacio of Saintdone 1686 Italy 1770 Italy
26 of September Buenaventura Blessed Buenaventura Esteve Flors 1897 1936 Spain
26 of September León Blessed León Legua Mart 1936 Spain
29 of September Jaime Blessed Jaime Mestre Iborra 1936
3 of October Crescencio Blessed Crescencio García Pobo 1936 Spain
7 of October José Blessed José Llosá Balaguer 1936 Spain
12 of October Pacífico Blessed Pacifico Salcedo Puchades 1936
12 of October Serafín Saint Serafín of Monte Granario of Nicola 1604 Italy
30 of October Ángel Blessed Angelo of Acri 1739 Italy